Ohio Valley District
The OVD is a region of Churches and Leaders within Kentucky, Western Tennessee, and Western Ohio. We are proud to serve within The Christian & Missionary Alliance denomination. Our goal is to reach the 15+ million people in our district and beyond. The 5 D’s is the vision that will help us accomplish this task.

Take a Closer Look at Who We Are
Our District Staff

Jeff Miller
District Superintendent

Meica Campbell
Director for Multiplication & Development

Adam Harper
Director of Mobilization & Development

Pam Miller
Administrative Assistant for Multiplication and Development

Grace Mangham
Administrative Assistant

Melinda Wright
Administrative Assistant & Business Manager

Rich Thompson
Coordinator of Chaplaincy Ministries

Jessica McCullough
District Mission Mobilizer

Tim Miller
Coordinator of Emerging Leadership

Phil Lohmeyer
Church Safety and Security Trainer

Josh Franks
Columbus Collaboration

Wes & Cori Nevius
Developing Diaspora Networks

Kim Zimmerman
Coordinator of Disaster Response Services

Josh Kennedy
Coordinator of District Youth Ministries

Jordan McCain
Ordination and Consecration Coordinator

Roger Ntoto
Francophone Pastors Coordinator

Shelly Crouch
Co-Coordinator of RAIN OVD

Kirk Lithander
Co-Coordinator of RAIN OVD

Stephanie Goggin
Communications & Events Coordinator

Charles Chapman
African-American Leadership Developer

Jamie Zacharias
OVD Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Credentialing Council:
- Jeff Miller, District Superintendent
- Meica Campbell, Director for Multiplication and Development
- Tim Miller, Coordinator of Emerging Leadership
- Jordan McCain, Ordination and Consecration Coordinator
- Faith Bosland
- Rick Maddox
- Shelly Crouch
- Darrico Murray
- Kirk Lithander
- Phill Taylor
District Executive Committee:
- Jeff Miller, District Superintendent/Chairman
- David Long, District Secretary
- Daniel Czulno, District Treasurer
- Kim Zimmerman
- Daniel Zewdu
- Peter Rufener
- Monu Schinchoury
- Trent Fledderjohann
- Jared Petty
- Deb MacKay
- Kedrick Hirschy
- Adam Harper, Director of Mobilization and Development
- Meica Campbell, Director of Multiplication and Development

Map of OVD
Since we share parts of Ohio with the Central & Great Lakes District and the Eastern half of Tennessee with the Southern District, the OVD’s borders are difficult to explain – However, we included this map for further guidance.
The geographical area we cover includes Ohio as north as Paulding county, east to Seneca county, and south to Lawrence county. It also includes all of Kentucky and all of the counties in Tennessee in the Central Time Zone.
The Alliance
The OVD is a part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, also known as The Alliance or the C&MA.
We are proud to be apart of a denomination focused on Jesus, the fulfillment of His Great Commission, the Fourfold Gospel (Jesus as Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King) all grounded by the truths found in scripture.
“All of Jesus for All the World.”